Inside my Notebooks

Alice Red: Inside my Notebooks

It's a well known fact that if you were to look inside my brain, you would be lost in illegible black scribbles. You know, the ones you write down at one in the morning when you have quite possibly the best idea you've ever had in your life - then look at it the next day and decide that it's terrible and that you're terrible and a terrible artist and you should have just got a "proper job".

My thoughts tend to race around at a thousand miles a minute, so I frantically write them down as quickly as possible. I'm convinced that if I don't write something down, I'll forget it (which is usually true). Other times, sketching things helps to declutter my brain and figure out how creative ideas are going to come together.

So if you've ever wanted to know what an idea for a YouTube video looks like in the early stages, just scroll down...

36 Facts About Me:

Alice Red: Inside my Notebooks
Alice Red: Inside my Notebooks
Alice Red: Inside my Notebooks
Alice Red: Inside my Notebooks

Other Projects:

Alice Red: Inside my Notebooks

A list of shots required for Love, Alice that I wanted to film that day, as well as some rough notes for the editing.

Alice Red: Inside my Notebooks

Some rough ideas for a video I'm working on at the moment.

Also, I'm changing my schedule again - I'm going to be posting two blog posts a week, and then posting my weekly videos. For a while I tried to do three blog posts and a video every week and it was a lot of fun, but I really want to change up the style of content I do over here and make longer posts with more photographs (like this one!) and of course that means I need to spend more time on each individual post. Hope that's ok! You're going to love the changes, I promise.

Let me know if you have a notebook for your blog/videos/novel/coursework in the comments below, and if it's any neater than mine...