A Bit of an Update

I thought it would be nice to have a casual post today, and let you know about what's happening in my world. So, grab a cup of tea - and let's have a chat.

1. You can hire me

I recently did a photoshoot with Olivia Cheryl for her blog, and spoke to her about how much I'd like to do this for other bloggers and help other creators make videos. She was incredibly supportive and encouraging, and said that there's definitely a demand for it. It was exactly what I needed to finally bite the bullet and put myself out there. If you'd like to hire me for photography or videography, you can email me at missalicered@gmail.com, or read this page for more details.

2. Being shortlisted

As I mentioned in a previous post (and rambled on about on Instagram Stories), I've been shortlisted for Best Vlogger in the #BloggersBlogAwards. This came at a good time, as I've been recently wondering why my channel hasn't been growing as much as I would like. I started to wonder if I was doing something wrong. But the second I got shortlisted and all the tweets of support started coming in, it was as if the universe was giving me a big thumbs up. I feel more confident in things working out in the long term than I did a few weeks ago.

3. I'm on a break

On Bank Holiday Monday, I did something very rare for me, and took a day off. It seemed alien at first and I actually felt guilty for binge watching the entire seventh season of Pretty Little Liars to see if I can figure out who Uber A is before I watch the finale today, but eventually I realised that I really don't do it enough. I think a lot of self-employed people (especially ones who are just starting out) have a similar problem with taking time off, as the to-do list never seems to end. However, I really need to practice having regular breaks, as I don't have a boss who tells me to clock off anymore.

4. New schedule.

I currently update this blog on Monday's and Wednesday's at 9am, and then post my weekly videos on Friday's at 6pm. However, starting from this week, I will be posting on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday at 9am.

So, what's new with you?